Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bullying: When Enough Is Enough!

Dear Readers,

This blog is not written by me (Miracle-Josette) However, it is very touching on a topic that is destroying our youth self-esteem & confindence level. Bullying/Bullies is a serious problem and must be STOP as soon as possiable. The stories below are REAL & the outcomes are REAL too. We need to work together to stop this ugly disease of bullying even if it means setting LEGAL & CRIMINAL PUNISHMENT for those that contribute to bullying others.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog & helping with putting a STOP AGAINST BULLYING



I spent a great deal of time considering how much of me I wanted to give the readers of Baller Alert. I prefer to only write from inspiration because my honest emotions can be translated onto the blank canvas of a document allowing the sincerity of it all to be conveyed. It is more organic that way. I pondered if I should talk about the night quick thinking got me out of being raped or if I should express the day my life changed when my mother was diagnosed with stage 4, grade 3 uterine cancer.  I even considered sharing the night I nearly lost my life.  And then during my usual review of the news I came across a story that made me shed tears.
 According to WESH 2 News , the community of Seminole County, Florida are mourning the death of the 14-year old Lamar “ Shaq” Hawkins III (pictured below).  Lamar suffered from “stunted growth” which made the adorable little fellow an easy target for bullying.  His parents had previously moved from New York to Florida in an effort to escape the bullying Lamar endured. Unfortunately the youngster could no longer tolerate the pain and succumbed to the torture. Allegedly Lamar retrieved his father’s firearm ( that was properly stored) and shot himself in the bathroom of the school. It was four hours into the search before officials found him.  As I write, I am still attempting to gain composure. It is a story I am far too familiar with.

I was barely walking when I was diagnosed with alopecia. I was okay with it until first grade. I began coming home asking my mom what was wrong with me. The hair loss was so grave that my mother purchased a little page -boy wig for me to wear. I caught hell. During a restroom break, another student wrenched my wig completely off exposing the patchy hair and twigs of braids tucked in clips underneath. I couldn’t catch a break to save my life and because of the outnumbering, mathematically it wasn’t wise to fight. If it wasn’t for the hair, it was because I was skinny. I even caught hell for answering the teacher’s questions or wearing different kicks. I attempted to ignore it. My mother was aware although I never mentioned a word to her. She encouraged me and told me that the girls in our family bloom late and whatever I do, let her deal with the problem. It worked for a while until I began not wanting to go to school and consequently developed the art of making myself throw up without assistance and have a high-grade fever (the mind can do incredible things). I literally became depressed about school. The one thing that brought me so much joy- learning, was now causing me so much grief. Things took a turn for the worse when my father’s church brother’s daughter enrolled at the school. Thinking I had a friend, I was sadly mistaken.
She would be my worst nemesis, often initiating the jeering.  My mom conversed with the principal and teachers as she had done previously. We had meetings, but never with the kids or their parents. It would always be my parents, the principal and myself.  The principal excused the behavior often saying it was “innocent childhood fun”.  My teachers attempted to circumvent the behavior often just talking to me because I was the only one listening. I was cornered with nowhere to go. The day I came home and told my mother I didn’t want to live anymore, she grabbed me by my shoulders and looked me deeply  in my eyes. Hoping to void that flame of desperation, she told me I was one of her greatest gifts. Without hesitation, in a solemn tone, she uttered the most magical words to me ever. Because the parents couldn’t control their kids I had her permission to “lay their ass*s out”.  She engulfed me in her long arms ( my mom is 6’2) and planted as many kisses as my tiny face could take. Knowing the grief my untimely death would cause her and my family, I chose to stay here a little longer (Thank the Almighty). I woke up the next day with a little skip in me. I sat in class alert. I chose not to wear any hairpieces to camouflage the hair loss. As expected the taunting ensued. I waited after school, dragging my butt on the walk home.  She followed taunting. I asked her to stop. We were behind the corner store when she asked me what I was going to do about it? Without a second thought I socked her in the right eye. The next punches that followed were to her throat and chest. I wrapped her hair around my left hand and laid in on her a**. I didn’t get off until her mother came to her defense and in the melee she was socked for raising a daughter like that. I ran home feeling free. Of course at that time the parents and school wanted to be involved. My behavior was unacceptable. The school and parents wanted to suspend me for fighting although it was off of school grounds. Go figure! From that day forward, I had zero problems, outside of being painted as a hooligan by the girl’s mother- a label that I didn’t mind if it meant moments of peace for me.
My story is an anomaly. There are kids that can’t endure an elementary career of verbal & physical torture and live to tell about it. Unfortunately Lamar ”Shaq” Hawkins III isn’t one nor are the numerous ones that won’t make the news. There are so many “zero tolerance” policies for violence, but no strict penalties for bullying. We get mad when a child brings a gun to school, but we brush under the rug the fact that our children made the child feel that a gun was going to solve the problem. According to the CDC 4,400 kids will take their own lives each year. We always say “Had I known”. What would be different had you known? Would that stop you from leaving that negative comment or pointing out a perceived “defect”?  Society is always reactive, but never take the time to be proactive.  Bullying should be a felony assault charge.  If an adolescent takes his/her life , those involved should be charged with pre-meditated murder and prosecuted.  Those same kids turn into adults that endorse a poor behavior. The cycle has to stop before we lose a generation .

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Thank you very much