Wednesday, November 10, 2021



Dear Readers, 

I completely understand the wait for another Miracle-Josette post is way overdue.  The last post I made was in the beginning of the year of 2020, and man oh man what a year it was. To everyone remembrance COVID-19 pandemic stormed the world and our nation over the course of the year and still ongoing. Many of families across the world lost loved ones and had to learn unexpectedly how to cope with their lost.  On Friday March 13, 2021 was my last day working in a public environment for that year due to immediately being placed on telework. For many it was a major inconvenience, in addition to an adjustment unexpected. We had to learn how to cope with working at home, as well as remaining at home as much as possible. Let’s not forget, if you are a parent the adjustment of conducting homeschooling may have been a challenged too.  At times you wondered could thereof been some kind of preparation for what we had to endure. And to answer that question, I can say “I do think so”.

My experience during the pandemic was good……honestly. I was able to adapt to the situation wonderfully despite the world was undergoing so much turmoil. I will admit or I should say I do believe the world needed a break from our traditional routines. Now I will acknowledge there were plenty of other professions that did not have the same opportunity to be able to remain home and cope with the virtual world in order to interact. However, the need to isolate ourselves to control this serious matter was necessary.

So as the year continued and the seasons changed, the telework experience was great and highly convenient; in which brings me to the current year of 2021.  During 2021 my profession implemented a return to work plan which was a major adjustment for so many. And why you may ask. Well, everyone started to enjoy, cope and manage working at home. Colleagues viewed the secure safety of being in their own environment as a foremost reward for providing efficient and effective work. I will admit, I do agree with it. My work performance never suffered even though others may not have been able to say the same. Regardless, this COVID-19 pandemic has proven how selfish we as a nation and world-wide because so many people refuse to participate in making things better such as getting vaccinated or even wearing a simple mask in public. Although many of states implemented mask mandates, also a lot of the same states removed their restriction of wearing masks in public.

Until we as a nation can work together consistently to make this country and the world safe again I predict COVID will be an on-going issue for many many years to come. So to answer numerous people question, “will we ever go back to how things use to be?” And the answer to it is, “No”. Especially if we cannot work together to make it better.

It’s a pleasure reconnecting with blogging again. I cannot promise daily post reports will come, but I will say that I do plan on posting more often and being more vocal. Real talk, I have so many things to share and I can’t wait.

Thank you very reading my blog.

Yours truly,
