Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Life of A Recruiter: Miracle-Josette Semi-Overview

Miracle-Josette speaking with inquiries

A successful university’s recruiter day is guided by a daily plan, created each day before leaving the office.  The plan includes the following but not limited to:
·         Assist in evaluating student credentials for undergraduate admission according to admissions policies and assist in making admissions decision
·         Respond to telephone and other inquires pertaining to admission
·         Serve as transfer advisor while attending community college fairs and assist with coordinating recruitment events
·         Evaluate admissions applications for enrolment
·         Answer written and telephone correspondence regarding residency admissions requirement
·         Manage students immunization status
·         Receive and distribute electronic transcripts to departments
·         client follow up calls regarding a candidate currently in the interviewing process
·         candidate calls to brief or debrief on an interview
·         marketing calls to introduce your services to a potential new client by presenting a strong candidate
·         recruiting calls to identify the passive candidate for a specific job
·         matching calls to contact potential candidates with whom you are already in communication regarding a position on your job
·         presentation calls to present candidates to clients
The day often starts with a review of each email inquiries.  Getting a status on all the candidates in process and what steps need to be taken to keep the process moving forward.  These are helpful advising sessions in which a recruiter spends time helping prospective applicants become successful.  Recruiters take interest in a prospective applicant success and it’s a great asset to have them in your corner. 
These are also meetings in which the recruiter must be accountable for his/her activity.  While we deal with a people-focused service of placing qualified prospective applicants in excellent opportunities, recruiting is essentially a sales function; selling our services to the prospective applicant, selling the prospective applicant qualifications to the admission committee, selling the strengths of the opportunity to the prospective applicant, and so on.  So being accountable for what you do each day is an essential part of your success.
After these meetings, it’s onto the phones! A great deal of time during the day is spent on the phone.  Since Universities and Colleges recruiters work nationwide, all interviewing of prospective applicants and meetings with prospective applicants take place over the phone and/or in person.  Often, it’s helpful when the recruiter sets up call blocks – undisturbed periods of time when she can stay focused and reach out to as many people as she can in that time.  In addition, taking a break from the phones to review emails or new applications coming in helps break up the day.
Before leaving for the day, the recruiter writes a daily plan to prepare for the next day so they can hit the ground running.
A recruiter’s job can sometimes necessitate a call to a prospective applicant in the evening if they are unable to speak during the day. Admission and Recruitment offices typically allow some flexibility with respect to time-off so recruiters are happy to make these calls when necessary. But most importantly, a recruiter’s income is directly related to his activity and productivity, so if a candidate needs to be called at home in order to make a placement happen, strong recruiters jump at the chance to move things forward toward a placement.
One of the most exciting things about being a recruiter is the day-to-day variation in the job.  You never know what’s going to happen when you walk in the door.  The perfect prospective applicant about to accept an offer pulls out at the last minute or the admission committee members loves a prospective applicant so much they offer them an acceptance on the first spot!  There are many ups and downs in the life of a recruiter, but there is nothing better than the feeling of bringing together qualified prospective applicants with a future for having a great career opportunity.  Recruiters are very special people, able to be counselors, negotiators, and motivators all in one day.

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