Thursday, July 3, 2014

Pledge NO R.I.P

No R.I.P. (Reckless Internet Posting) is a movement founded by entertainment mogul Debra Antney.

The movement was inspired by the untimely, and extremely unfortunate, passing of Deb's youngest son, Caodes "KayO" Scott.

 Just after Christmas 2013, and right before the New Year, KayO took his own life. At 22 years old, the pressures of the world were too much for him to bare and he decided this was a place he no longer wanted to be. A weight that weighed heavily on KayO and his family were the evils of the internet and the reckless, thoughtless people who spread vicious rumors and fed into harmful gossip regarding his mother and other members of their family. Always with an amazing heart, KayO felt every aspect of his mother and family's pain. Carrying his own pains and personal hardships, in the end, it was all too much pain for someone with such a loving spirit to carry.

 Deb and her family have a tumultuous relationship with some blogs and media - many of which have sensationalized stories for the popularity of their sites. With disregard for the validity of these rumors, blogs and media have often posted recklessly about so many people's lives - without a care in the world about how these people and their families are adversely affected. Sometimes, these adverse affects are tragic and irreversable. Unfortunately for Deb and her family, this was the case. Determined to make sure the world hears her son's silenced voice; to encourage and stand up for those in similar positions, and to evoke change for the positive in the media and in the global online community, Deb was moved by her experience to make a difference. In every test, there lies a testimony. Through all adversity, there is a lesson to be learned. And in cleaning up the mess around us, often times you'll find a message.

 For Deb, and those who identify with this cause, the testimony, the lesson and the message is simple: NO RECKLESS INTERNET POSTING. No R.I.P. What It Means to Pledge No R.I.P. KayO never supported the saying "Rest in Peace" because he believed that people lived on in their spirits forever. Instead, he would say "Long Live" to whoever transitioned on. In loving memory of Caodes "KayO" Scott, the No R.I.P. movement will take on a life of its own and continue. No R.I.P. #LLKayO When you gossip and spread rumors and recklessly post about people's lives, you are speaking death - killing their spirits, killing their reputations, killing their relationships, killing their hope and so much more. Stop speaking death. No R.I.P. We are afforded the rights of free speech, freedom of the press, etc.

However, we also have a humane responsibility to each other. As media, we encourage all bloggers and other members of the media to take the No R.I.P. pledge and post responsibly on your site; report responsibly on your shows. As a community, care for one another. Be mindful that words do hurt and can cause damage. Focus on the positive, not the negative. Focus on the truth, and not the gossip and the rumors. Stop the reckless, hurtful and destructive gossip. Whether you are media or the general public, please post responsibly.

 No Reckless Internet Posting. No R.I.P No R.I.P. (Reckless Internet Posting)

Take the pledge to stop Reckless InternetPosting!

 Visit to find out how you can join the movement!

 Twitter: @PledgeNoRIP ******************************************************************************************************************** Unfortunately, so many people are familiar with Reckless Internet Posting by individuals that want nothing more but to be the individual that they are reckless posting about. Although there are many serious problems and critical issues facing our families today, tragically Reckless Internet Posting continue to challenge the well-being of our children (and often of adults as well). We as a unity need to support causes that are taking a stand against stupidity. Let’s not allow the insecure, obsesses and bottom individuals win, better yet let’s help them be the ones they wish to be while stopping RECKLESS INTERNET POSTING. ---Miracle-Josette

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