Monday, October 20, 2014

Is Reality TV Hurting the Modern Woman Proper Way of Conduct??

There's Basketball Wives, Bad Girls Club, Love and Hip Hop and Real Housewives. All of these shows make light of women's more abrasive characteristics. The scratching, hair pulling and vulgarity is what makes for great television. Undoubtedly the people are right, this IS great television, but is it affecting us as women subconsciously? Let's think about it shall we? Have you ever found yourself more likely to pop off at any given second than you normally would be? Have you become numb to fights and arguments to the point where they rarely shock you anymore? Do you find yourself attracted to more drama than usual? Is your life more sexually charged than it had been in the past? You've probably living the after effects of too much reality tv. Of course we're not children and we control our own actions. We shouldn't be as impressionable as we are but that hasn't stopped the influx of Worldstar Hip Hop fight videos, now has it? I recall a time when a woman near 40 years of age was acting like a complete fool in a family dollar store. The entire time everyone viewed the woman as being psychotic. I mean seriously who in their right mind would act like a fool in a public business? Let's say some people need an etiquette class or mentor in their life. But since the introduction of Basketball Wives Ive seen a lot more women showing their "Tami Roman" or "Evelyn Lozada" side yet even Tami and Evelyn have grown too old and tired for the mess. Then thanks to social media, people are clapping back more than ever. We see some of our favorite public figures/celebs like K. Michelle and any other member of the Love & Hip Hop brand. Not to say that this hasn't always been a part of them but we now find it more socially acceptable to act like this in public. More women are acting less like a nun and becoming a Natalie Nunn. The activity that was once "taboo" for women has been put on full display and we're perfectly okay with it. Long gone are the times of acting like a lady. In the way that our television is going, women will probably evolve to be something very dangerous soon. It may be a good thing, it may be a bad thing. Maybe we're finally allowing ourselves to open up and be who we really are or maybe we're acting out for attention. Either way, I think it's safe to say that television plays a part in how we act day to day, even though we're adults and no longer young influential children. It's highly possible that these changes are happening subconsciously and if so, that's pretty scary. Especially when most of the adults that are acting like children have children they are raising. What a downfall for the future. Let's all take a moment to pray.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bullying: When Enough Is Enough!

Dear Readers,

This blog is not written by me (Miracle-Josette) However, it is very touching on a topic that is destroying our youth self-esteem & confindence level. Bullying/Bullies is a serious problem and must be STOP as soon as possiable. The stories below are REAL & the outcomes are REAL too. We need to work together to stop this ugly disease of bullying even if it means setting LEGAL & CRIMINAL PUNISHMENT for those that contribute to bullying others.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog & helping with putting a STOP AGAINST BULLYING



I spent a great deal of time considering how much of me I wanted to give the readers of Baller Alert. I prefer to only write from inspiration because my honest emotions can be translated onto the blank canvas of a document allowing the sincerity of it all to be conveyed. It is more organic that way. I pondered if I should talk about the night quick thinking got me out of being raped or if I should express the day my life changed when my mother was diagnosed with stage 4, grade 3 uterine cancer.  I even considered sharing the night I nearly lost my life.  And then during my usual review of the news I came across a story that made me shed tears.
 According to WESH 2 News , the community of Seminole County, Florida are mourning the death of the 14-year old Lamar “ Shaq” Hawkins III (pictured below).  Lamar suffered from “stunted growth” which made the adorable little fellow an easy target for bullying.  His parents had previously moved from New York to Florida in an effort to escape the bullying Lamar endured. Unfortunately the youngster could no longer tolerate the pain and succumbed to the torture. Allegedly Lamar retrieved his father’s firearm ( that was properly stored) and shot himself in the bathroom of the school. It was four hours into the search before officials found him.  As I write, I am still attempting to gain composure. It is a story I am far too familiar with.

I was barely walking when I was diagnosed with alopecia. I was okay with it until first grade. I began coming home asking my mom what was wrong with me. The hair loss was so grave that my mother purchased a little page -boy wig for me to wear. I caught hell. During a restroom break, another student wrenched my wig completely off exposing the patchy hair and twigs of braids tucked in clips underneath. I couldn’t catch a break to save my life and because of the outnumbering, mathematically it wasn’t wise to fight. If it wasn’t for the hair, it was because I was skinny. I even caught hell for answering the teacher’s questions or wearing different kicks. I attempted to ignore it. My mother was aware although I never mentioned a word to her. She encouraged me and told me that the girls in our family bloom late and whatever I do, let her deal with the problem. It worked for a while until I began not wanting to go to school and consequently developed the art of making myself throw up without assistance and have a high-grade fever (the mind can do incredible things). I literally became depressed about school. The one thing that brought me so much joy- learning, was now causing me so much grief. Things took a turn for the worse when my father’s church brother’s daughter enrolled at the school. Thinking I had a friend, I was sadly mistaken.
She would be my worst nemesis, often initiating the jeering.  My mom conversed with the principal and teachers as she had done previously. We had meetings, but never with the kids or their parents. It would always be my parents, the principal and myself.  The principal excused the behavior often saying it was “innocent childhood fun”.  My teachers attempted to circumvent the behavior often just talking to me because I was the only one listening. I was cornered with nowhere to go. The day I came home and told my mother I didn’t want to live anymore, she grabbed me by my shoulders and looked me deeply  in my eyes. Hoping to void that flame of desperation, she told me I was one of her greatest gifts. Without hesitation, in a solemn tone, she uttered the most magical words to me ever. Because the parents couldn’t control their kids I had her permission to “lay their ass*s out”.  She engulfed me in her long arms ( my mom is 6’2) and planted as many kisses as my tiny face could take. Knowing the grief my untimely death would cause her and my family, I chose to stay here a little longer (Thank the Almighty). I woke up the next day with a little skip in me. I sat in class alert. I chose not to wear any hairpieces to camouflage the hair loss. As expected the taunting ensued. I waited after school, dragging my butt on the walk home.  She followed taunting. I asked her to stop. We were behind the corner store when she asked me what I was going to do about it? Without a second thought I socked her in the right eye. The next punches that followed were to her throat and chest. I wrapped her hair around my left hand and laid in on her a**. I didn’t get off until her mother came to her defense and in the melee she was socked for raising a daughter like that. I ran home feeling free. Of course at that time the parents and school wanted to be involved. My behavior was unacceptable. The school and parents wanted to suspend me for fighting although it was off of school grounds. Go figure! From that day forward, I had zero problems, outside of being painted as a hooligan by the girl’s mother- a label that I didn’t mind if it meant moments of peace for me.
My story is an anomaly. There are kids that can’t endure an elementary career of verbal & physical torture and live to tell about it. Unfortunately Lamar ”Shaq” Hawkins III isn’t one nor are the numerous ones that won’t make the news. There are so many “zero tolerance” policies for violence, but no strict penalties for bullying. We get mad when a child brings a gun to school, but we brush under the rug the fact that our children made the child feel that a gun was going to solve the problem. According to the CDC 4,400 kids will take their own lives each year. We always say “Had I known”. What would be different had you known? Would that stop you from leaving that negative comment or pointing out a perceived “defect”?  Society is always reactive, but never take the time to be proactive.  Bullying should be a felony assault charge.  If an adolescent takes his/her life , those involved should be charged with pre-meditated murder and prosecuted.  Those same kids turn into adults that endorse a poor behavior. The cycle has to stop before we lose a generation .

Read more:

Thank you very much 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Black Preschoolers Suspended More than Whites

Black Preschoolers Suspended More than Whites

New government data reveals racial disparities in schools extend even to pre-school. "It is clear that the United States has a great distance to go to meet our goal of providing opportunities for every student to succeed," Secretary of Education Arne Duncan says

Black students in American public schools are significantly more likely than white students to be suspended and the racial disparity begins even as early as preschool, according to a new governement report.

The data released by the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights portrays significant racial disparities that persist across the public education system. Black students, for instance, represent just 18 percent of preschool enrollment but 42 percent of the students who are suspended once. Only about 60 percent of public school districts offer some form of preschool. The report notes that suspended students are more likely to be suspended again and less likely to graduate.

The Civil Rights Data Collection for the 2011-2012 school year shows that more than 8,000 public preschoolers were suspended at least once, with black children and boys bearing the brunt of the discipline. Black youngsters make up about a fifth of all preschool pupils but close to half the children suspended more than once. Boys of all races represent 54 percent of the preschoolers included in the report but more than 80 percent of those suspended more than once.

The same research also indicates that suspension and expulsion rates plunge when teachers feel competent about working with challenging young children and supporting their emotional development.

The 2011-2012 data collection is the first time the Education Department gathered information on preschool discipline. The report outlines a number of education disparities; for example, black children face more discipline and have less acess to high level courses and experienced teachers. Thirteen percent of children with disabilities receieve out-of-school suspensions, compared with 6 percent of those with disabilities.

The data collection also only accounts for preschoolers who are in programs based in public schools. The universe of other settings for young children, such as private providers who have state-funded slots for preschoolers, is not a part of the statistics. The department also collected data on about 220 expulsions nationwide, but it did not offer further analysis on those numbers becuase the expulsions came from such a small number of schools.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

On the Run Tour 2014 Beyonce & Jay

"I don't care if we are on the run, along as I'm next to you"--Beyonce
On The Run Tour Official Souvenirs(mines)

We were entering Baltimore, on the edge of happiness and laughter, when the traffic kicked in. Suddenly, a light burst into the sky at M& T Stadium. There was hooting and honking all around us. We couldn't believe it; this was it….On the Run tour is here.
We are in massive traffic going into Baltimore

 Fashion note: I decided to rock a colorful romper with pockets paired with some comfy brown flat shoes (not sandals I wanted my tootsies to be protected) Additionally, I accented my look with turquoise and brown.  Such as my mini Chanel bag, turquoise & gold Anne Klein watch and a Vintage Turquoise, Amber & Topaz necklace. My hair was styled in a straighten look but I wished I rocked my natural curls because the humidity was fire. My manicure and pedicure was done in Pink along with eye shadow and lipstick.....Pink for a little Pop. Please additional make-up. Ladies it's always best to be natural as much as you can.

I also want to give a big #SHOUTOUT to Baller Alert for featuring me in their OTR Style Blog. If you want to see Miracle-Josette on Baller Alert, please click: Baller Alert
My OTR outfit for a stadium style concert.

Actually the messy traffic and the long wait inside Pickles was extremely terrible but I was not surprise. Everybody was in the City of Baltimore to get inside the sold-out concert of Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s world tour.

This worker thought I was a celebrity and asked to take a picture with me HAHA
After having a moment in the lime light of cameras and paparazzi (LOL) it was time to get to my seat for the most sought out concert of the year.

Beyonce & Jay-Z performing "03 Bonnie & Clyde"

Bey and Jay opened with the iconic “03 Bonnie & Clyde,” emerging from backstage clad in black with their faces hidden by fashionable masks.

The power couple was already running from police. We wondered: What’s the crime? Being black and rich? Famous and in love? Larger than life but still human?

They’re guilty of all three, but they won’t let anyone take them down.

Right off the bat, the Carters’ double feature was wild. They've both been huge stars for longer than most people have careers. Between them, there is something like 30 or 40 years of chart-topping success. 

Literally every track performed was a sing-along smash, from “Crazy in Love” to “Big Pimpin,” “Flawless,” and “Tom Ford.” ***I was dancing all-night long...well until a slow ballad came. 

These power couples usually have a major breadwinner (Beyonce is #1 on Forbes 2014), but not here. There has never been, a may never be again, such a well-matched musical marriage.

We watched our criminally cool loves drive through the desert in old cars and astride motorcycles. Screened via the jumbo-tron, the On the Run mini-movies showed Jay and Bey hiding in dingy motel rooms and being naughty in abandoned churches.

On stage, Beyoncé was joined by male and female dancers, while Jay Z murdered his tracks without assistance, always taking the time to hype the crowd in true hip-hop fashion.
Performing "Forever Young" Beyonce wore a Black & White USA Flag Gown

They finished with a reprise of “Forever Young” and gave the crowd their all before taking each other’s hand and walking off into the darkness of myth and wonder. Because that’s the only place a couple like this can exist.

Before leaving, though, Beyoncé asked everyone to applaud for the dancers and crew. Then she turned and said, “Thank you, Mr. Carter.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Carter,” Jay replied, and credits rolled. 

Critic's Notebook

The Crowd: You've never seen a crowd as diverse as the OTR gang. Young and old, black and white (and everything else, duh), men and women, gay and straight, well-dressed and just... well, at least they were dressed.
This woman not only wore pink hair but a tail too

Personal Bias: I'm  overtly happy and still flying on cloud 10 million. This was by far one of the best concerts that I had the privileged to attend and the memories will last a lifetime. I still can't believe it...I was at the ON THE RUN tour...were you?
We had GREAT seats. Not on the field but who wants to stand behind someone 6'0" when your 5'3"

Jay Z and Beyonce's On the Run Tour Setlist
-"'03 Bonnie & Clyde"
-"Crazy in Love"
-"Diamonds are Forever" Remix
-"Niggas in Paris"
-"Tom Ford"
-"Run the World"
-"Dirt Off Your Shoulder"
-"Big Pimpin'"
-"On to the Next One"
-"Baby Boy"
-"You Don't Know"
-"Church in the Wild"
-"Drunk in Love"
-"Why Don't You Love Me"
-"Holy Grail"
-"Beach Is Better"
-"99 Problems"
-"If I Were a Boy"
-"Ex-Factor" (Lauryn Hill Cover)
-"Song Cry"
-"Love on Top"
-"Want You Back" (Jackson 5 Cover)
-"H to the Izzo"
-"Single Ladies"
-"Hard Knock Life"
-"Pretty Hurts"
-"Forever Young"
-"Forever Young" (Reprise)

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Pledge NO R.I.P

No R.I.P. (Reckless Internet Posting) is a movement founded by entertainment mogul Debra Antney.

The movement was inspired by the untimely, and extremely unfortunate, passing of Deb's youngest son, Caodes "KayO" Scott.

 Just after Christmas 2013, and right before the New Year, KayO took his own life. At 22 years old, the pressures of the world were too much for him to bare and he decided this was a place he no longer wanted to be. A weight that weighed heavily on KayO and his family were the evils of the internet and the reckless, thoughtless people who spread vicious rumors and fed into harmful gossip regarding his mother and other members of their family. Always with an amazing heart, KayO felt every aspect of his mother and family's pain. Carrying his own pains and personal hardships, in the end, it was all too much pain for someone with such a loving spirit to carry.

 Deb and her family have a tumultuous relationship with some blogs and media - many of which have sensationalized stories for the popularity of their sites. With disregard for the validity of these rumors, blogs and media have often posted recklessly about so many people's lives - without a care in the world about how these people and their families are adversely affected. Sometimes, these adverse affects are tragic and irreversable. Unfortunately for Deb and her family, this was the case. Determined to make sure the world hears her son's silenced voice; to encourage and stand up for those in similar positions, and to evoke change for the positive in the media and in the global online community, Deb was moved by her experience to make a difference. In every test, there lies a testimony. Through all adversity, there is a lesson to be learned. And in cleaning up the mess around us, often times you'll find a message.

 For Deb, and those who identify with this cause, the testimony, the lesson and the message is simple: NO RECKLESS INTERNET POSTING. No R.I.P. What It Means to Pledge No R.I.P. KayO never supported the saying "Rest in Peace" because he believed that people lived on in their spirits forever. Instead, he would say "Long Live" to whoever transitioned on. In loving memory of Caodes "KayO" Scott, the No R.I.P. movement will take on a life of its own and continue. No R.I.P. #LLKayO When you gossip and spread rumors and recklessly post about people's lives, you are speaking death - killing their spirits, killing their reputations, killing their relationships, killing their hope and so much more. Stop speaking death. No R.I.P. We are afforded the rights of free speech, freedom of the press, etc.

However, we also have a humane responsibility to each other. As media, we encourage all bloggers and other members of the media to take the No R.I.P. pledge and post responsibly on your site; report responsibly on your shows. As a community, care for one another. Be mindful that words do hurt and can cause damage. Focus on the positive, not the negative. Focus on the truth, and not the gossip and the rumors. Stop the reckless, hurtful and destructive gossip. Whether you are media or the general public, please post responsibly.

 No Reckless Internet Posting. No R.I.P No R.I.P. (Reckless Internet Posting)

Take the pledge to stop Reckless InternetPosting!

 Visit to find out how you can join the movement!

 Twitter: @PledgeNoRIP ******************************************************************************************************************** Unfortunately, so many people are familiar with Reckless Internet Posting by individuals that want nothing more but to be the individual that they are reckless posting about. Although there are many serious problems and critical issues facing our families today, tragically Reckless Internet Posting continue to challenge the well-being of our children (and often of adults as well). We as a unity need to support causes that are taking a stand against stupidity. Let’s not allow the insecure, obsesses and bottom individuals win, better yet let’s help them be the ones they wish to be while stopping RECKLESS INTERNET POSTING. ---Miracle-Josette

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

University of Maryland Eastern Shore--School of Pharmacy

The University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) is a land-grant, historically black college founded in 1886. Orginally founded as the Delaware Conference Academy, the University underwent institutional changes before becoming the Universtiy of Maryland Eastern Shore on July 1, 1970. In 1998, it became a member of the then University of Maryland System, now known as the University System of Maryland, which consisted of eleven campuses at the time of establishment.

UMES Campus
 UMES is located on over 700 acres of land in the town of Princess Anne, a rural area on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. The town dates back to 1733 and has many buildings and landmarks of historic interest. The quiet community environment is excellent for learning, yet is within driving distance (2-3 hrs) of many cultural and recreational facilities of Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Virginia Beach. The state's famous seaside resort, Ocean City, is only 45 minutes from the campus. The campus is located 13 miles south of the town of Salisbury, which provides shopping, recreational, and medical facilites.

The School of Pharmacy at UMES was founded in 2008 and admitted its inaugural class in the fall of 2010.
UMES-School of Pharmacy was founded in 2008.
The Doctor of Pharmacy program is the first professional pharmacy program on the Delmarva (Delaware, Maryland, Virginia) Peninsula and is the ONLY 3 year concentrated, year--round program in the state of Maryland.

ONLY 3-yrs Doctors of Pharmacy (Pharm.D) in Maryland
The University of Maryland Eastern Shore is fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.

UMES-School of Pharmacy Inaugural Class of 2013

Please visit: UMES-School of Pharmacy or contact: 410-621-DRUG(3784) for more information.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Life of A Recruiter: Miracle-Josette Semi-Overview

Miracle-Josette speaking with inquiries

A successful university’s recruiter day is guided by a daily plan, created each day before leaving the office.  The plan includes the following but not limited to:
·         Assist in evaluating student credentials for undergraduate admission according to admissions policies and assist in making admissions decision
·         Respond to telephone and other inquires pertaining to admission
·         Serve as transfer advisor while attending community college fairs and assist with coordinating recruitment events
·         Evaluate admissions applications for enrolment
·         Answer written and telephone correspondence regarding residency admissions requirement
·         Manage students immunization status
·         Receive and distribute electronic transcripts to departments
·         client follow up calls regarding a candidate currently in the interviewing process
·         candidate calls to brief or debrief on an interview
·         marketing calls to introduce your services to a potential new client by presenting a strong candidate
·         recruiting calls to identify the passive candidate for a specific job
·         matching calls to contact potential candidates with whom you are already in communication regarding a position on your job
·         presentation calls to present candidates to clients
The day often starts with a review of each email inquiries.  Getting a status on all the candidates in process and what steps need to be taken to keep the process moving forward.  These are helpful advising sessions in which a recruiter spends time helping prospective applicants become successful.  Recruiters take interest in a prospective applicant success and it’s a great asset to have them in your corner. 
These are also meetings in which the recruiter must be accountable for his/her activity.  While we deal with a people-focused service of placing qualified prospective applicants in excellent opportunities, recruiting is essentially a sales function; selling our services to the prospective applicant, selling the prospective applicant qualifications to the admission committee, selling the strengths of the opportunity to the prospective applicant, and so on.  So being accountable for what you do each day is an essential part of your success.
After these meetings, it’s onto the phones! A great deal of time during the day is spent on the phone.  Since Universities and Colleges recruiters work nationwide, all interviewing of prospective applicants and meetings with prospective applicants take place over the phone and/or in person.  Often, it’s helpful when the recruiter sets up call blocks – undisturbed periods of time when she can stay focused and reach out to as many people as she can in that time.  In addition, taking a break from the phones to review emails or new applications coming in helps break up the day.
Before leaving for the day, the recruiter writes a daily plan to prepare for the next day so they can hit the ground running.
A recruiter’s job can sometimes necessitate a call to a prospective applicant in the evening if they are unable to speak during the day. Admission and Recruitment offices typically allow some flexibility with respect to time-off so recruiters are happy to make these calls when necessary. But most importantly, a recruiter’s income is directly related to his activity and productivity, so if a candidate needs to be called at home in order to make a placement happen, strong recruiters jump at the chance to move things forward toward a placement.
One of the most exciting things about being a recruiter is the day-to-day variation in the job.  You never know what’s going to happen when you walk in the door.  The perfect prospective applicant about to accept an offer pulls out at the last minute or the admission committee members loves a prospective applicant so much they offer them an acceptance on the first spot!  There are many ups and downs in the life of a recruiter, but there is nothing better than the feeling of bringing together qualified prospective applicants with a future for having a great career opportunity.  Recruiters are very special people, able to be counselors, negotiators, and motivators all in one day.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Salute Sojourner Truth

I’m a huge Sojourner Truth fan, follower and admirer for years. I first became aware of this great woman during my elementary years while conducting a Black History school project. I wanted to initially work on Benjamin Banneker because I was very familiar with his achievements but my mother insisted that I learn someone different. Let’s just say “mothers are always right!” and I’m happy that I listened to my mother because I was able to learn about an extraordinary woman during this time besides another extraordinary woman Harriet Ross Tubman.

 During my 2000 Miss Outdoor Pageant I performed Sojourner Truth “Aint I a Woman” from memory with no papers! (Sweet memories). (Please read the speech below in a slave deliverance).

Sojourner Truth (c. 1797 – November 26, 1883) was an African-American abolitionist and women's rights activist. Truth was born into slavery in Swartekill, Ulster County, New York, but escaped with her infant daughter to freedom in 1826. After going to court to recover her son, she became the first black woman to win such a case against a white man. Sojourner Truth was named Isabella Baumfree when she was born. She gave herself the name Sojourner Truth in 1843. Her best-known extemporaneous speech on gender inequalities, "Ain't I a Woman?", was delivered in 1851 at the Ohio Women's Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio. During the Civil War, Truth helped recruit black troops for the Union Army; after the war, she tried unsuccessfully to secure land grants from the federal government for former slaves.

"Wall, chilern, whar dar is so much racket dar must be somethin' out o' kilter. I tink dat 'twixt de niggers of de Souf and de womin at de Norf, all talkin' 'bout rights, de white men will be in a fix pretty soon. But what's all dis here talkin' 'bout?"

 "Dat man ober dar say dat womin needs to be helped into carriages, and lifted ober ditches, and to hab de best place everywhar. Nobody eber helps me into carriages, or ober mud-puddles, or gibs me any best place!" And raising herself to her full height, and her voice to a pitch like rolling thunder, she asked. 'And ain't I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! (and she bared her right arm to the shoulder, showing her tremendous muscular power). I have ploughed, and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man – when I could get it – and bear de lash as well! And ain't I a woman? I have borne thirteen chilern, and seen 'em mos' all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?"

 "Den dey talks 'bout dis ting in de head; what dis dey call it?" ("Intellect," whispered someone near.) "Dat's it, honey. What's dat got to do wid womin's rights or nigger's rights? If my cup won't hold but a pint, and yourn holds a quart, wouldn't ye be mean not to let me have my little half-measure full?" And she pointed her significant finger, and sent a keen glance at the minister who had made the argument. The cheering was long and loud.

 "Den dat little man in back dar, he say women can't have as much rights as men, 'cause Christ wan't a woman! Whar did your Christ come from?" Rolling thunder couldn't have stilled that crowd, as did those deep, wonderful tones, as she stood there with out-stretched arms and eyes of fire. Raising her voice still louder, she repeated, "Whar did your Christ come from? From God and a woman! Man had nothin' to do wid Him."

 Oh, what a rebuke that was to that little man. Turning again to another objector, she took up the defense of Mother Eve. I can not follow her through it all. It was pointed, and witty, and solemn; eliciting at almost every sentence deafening applause; and she ended by asserting:

 "If de fust woman God ever made was strong enough to turn de world upside down all alone, dese women togedder (and she glanced her eye over the platform) ought to be able to turn it back, and get it right side up again! And now dey is asking to do it, de men better let 'em." Long-continued cheering greeted this.

"'Bleeged to ye for hearin' on me, and now ole Sojourner han't got nothin' more to say."